Although it can get a little overwhelming, 不可否认,黑色星期五是促进销售的最佳机会之一, connect with customers, and increase brand visibility.
拥有超过8年的数字营销经验, 我们已经获得了所有的行业知识,以帮助电子商务品牌脱颖而出并取得成功.
Offer Exclusive Discounts
黑色星期五的购物者总是在寻找最优惠的交易. To grab their attention, 提供一年中其他时间没有的独家折扣和促销活动. 考虑构建产品捆绑包或提供买一送一(BOGO)交易. 这个策略是在你的报价周围创造一些FOMO的最终方法.
Optimise Your Website
Did you know that 42% 如果一个网页不容易使用和导航,大多数访问者都会离开? 这就是为什么你需要确保你的网站在黑色星期五之前为顺畅的购物体验而优化.
We highly recommend working with a skilled developer 谁能测试你网站的速度、功能和移动响应能力.
Leverage Email Marketing
Email marketing 与那些已经对你的品牌感兴趣的人进行沟通是一种划算的方式吗. With Black Friday email campaigns, 使用引人注目的主题行来增加打开率,使用醒目的CTA按钮来提高点击率. 我们还建议在重要的日子到来之前优化你的流程, 以及在整个促销期间发送折扣提醒.
Tease Before Black Friday
Want to create a buzz around your Black Friday event? Then you need to keep your audience informed even before your promotions go live. Don’t give too much away, but think about posting teasers, running countdowns, and engaging with your followers to boost visibility.
Partner with TikTokers
不可否认,TikTok是社交媒体营销的未来. If you have the budget, 我们强烈建议与有影响力的人合作,他们与你的品牌保持一致,并且在网上有很强的影响力. The right creators can help you reach a broader audience, building trust and credibility around your Black Friday deals.
Collect and Analyse Data
For that reason, 我们建议您在黑色星期五期间监测和收集数据,以深入了解客户行为. What products are selling the most? What channels are driving the most traffic? 分析这些数据将帮助你调整未来的营销策略, or even those on the run-up to Christmas.
Overcomplicate Your Promotions
While we always encourage creativity, 尽量避免过于复杂的促销活动,这可能会让你的客户感到困惑. 保持简单,这样消费者就可以很容易地理解和利用你的黑色星期五交易. 如果你正在创建一个折扣代码,确保它简短,简单,容易记住. 或者,您可以在结帐时自动应用折扣代码.
Neglect Mobile Shoppers
Did you know that 65% of traffic on retail websites now comes from mobile phones? 这意味着手机优化对于接触更广泛的用户并保持他们的粘性至关重要. Neglecting these shoppers can result in less traffic, more abandoned carts, and ultimately lost sales.
Spam Your Customers
While email marketing is essential, don't overdo it. 过多的邮件会惹恼你的客户,导致他们从你的邮件列表中退订. 平衡是与那些真正对你的产品感兴趣的人保持积极关系的关键.
Use Bland Messaging In Your Ad Copy
Black Friday is not for the average minimalist. When it comes to effective digital ads, bigger is always better. 不要回避委婉的语言、大写字母和一些有趣的表情符号. At the end of the day, 在这个繁忙的周末,消费者将会收到大量的广告, so don’t be afraid to stand out.
Set Unrealistic Expectations
信任一旦被打破就很难重建,所以不要承诺超过你能做到的. 对黑色星期五的促销活动设定不切实际的期望可能会导致顾客失望和负面评论. For example, 如果你不认为你可以使用次日送达, then don’t promote it. 无论你属于哪个行业,透明度总是至关重要的.
Only Focus on Discounts
虽然折扣是必不可少的,但不要让它们成为你黑色星期五营销的唯一焦点. 突出你的产品或服务的价值和好处以及折扣. 顾客需要明白为什么他们应该从你这里购买,而不仅仅是你有销售.
Forget about Cyber Monday
作为一个电子商务品牌,不要低估“网络星期一”的重要性. In 2022, this huge online shopping event totalled $11.3 billion worth of sales, a 5.3% increase from the previous year. 保持客户的兴趣(即使在整个周末的节省之后), 试着让你的“网络星期一”促销活动与目前为止提供的任何促销活动都有所不同. Some examples include:
- Three for the price of two
- Free products
- The more you buy, the more you save
Key Takeaways
记住,准备和客户满意度是黑色星期五和网络星期一成功的关键. 所以,提前计划,提供诱人的交易,为你的顾客创造一个顺利的购物体验.